Nostalgic Corner - My Heathkit HW-101 sitting on 80 meter, listening to a ragchew on 3699 kHz. Left the original PS-23 PSU. The mic here is a swedish Hi-Z Mymex. I also have the original Electro-Voice. The HT between the HW and mic is my first, an Icom IC-2E, monitoring the local repeater. Both radios are in good working order.

Below is the medal of my first ever win in a radio contest,
the Finnish YL:s Black Cat contest!

My antennas:
HF antennas: Fritzel FB-53 (5-5-3) ele beam for 10-15-20 up 24 m in a steel tower by Arto OH6LO, and inverted-V dipoles in the tower guy wires for 80-40. A four element monobander for 17 m is awaiting mounting in the tower. On VHF I have a 15 ele X-yagi from CueDee and various other experiments. On UHF the main antennas are a commercial yagi and a 23 ele CueDee + other experimentals. The rotor is an old Kenpro KR1000 SDX.

My other vintage radios:

  • Drake R-4B & T-4XB line, complete with MS-4 speaker, AC-4 PSU and original Drake desk microphone.
  • Trio TS-515, HF-transceiver 80 - 10 meters, no WARC bands, transistorized, except finals (2 x 6146A), new finals.
  • Heathkit HW-8 QRP CW rig
  • Heathkit HW-12, SSB, only 80 m, tubes.
  • Heathkit HW-101 CW/SSB transceiver, 80 - 10 m, tubes, 2 x 6146A:s for finals, CW-filter, original EV mic. Original PS-23. In good working order.
  • Heathkit HW-100 CW/SSB transceiver, 80 - 10 m, tubes, 2 x 6146A:s for finals, original Electro-Voice mic.
  • Heathkit SB-101 CW/SSB transceiver, SB-600 speaker/PS.
  • Heathkit SB-201 amp with 10 m kit, output abt 5-600 watts, 2 x 572B finals.
  • Heathkit HR-1680/HX-1681 CW-line including HS-1681 speaker, PS-23.
  • Heathkit HR-10B receiver, DX-60 transmitter and an external HG-10 VFO.
  • Icom IC-22 VHF 2 m FM xtal XCVR, fully QRV.
  • Sommerkamp TX-145 2 m FM xtal XCVR, fully QRV.
  • Icom IC-2E handheld 2 m transceiver with thumbwheel QRG selectors.
  • Finnish military HF transceiver VRFK from WW2, 1,5W CW/1 W AM, functional
  • Swedish military HF manpack Ra200, 1W/8W CW/AM, functional
  • Varoius other commercial land and military HF units, like VREHB, VRLK etc.

You can also look at my QSL, awards and other stuff by looking me up on QRZ.com. Thanks for visiting, 73 de Thomas.

Some of my gear :
FT5k Main HF-station: Yaesu FTdx5000, 200W all-mode transceiver. Double receiver with spectrum scope, DMU-2000, SP-2000.
Amplifier: Italian SPE Expert 1K-FA,
1 kW output, solid state PA with internal ATU and antenna switching for four antennas.
Summer cottage HF-rig: Yaesu FTdx10 100 W all-mode transceiver. Internal autotuner.
Ongoing project: QROlle-kit, SSB-xcvr for 80/20 m. Data here.
Handhelds: Yaesu VX-6R for VHF/UHF (left) and an Icom IC-E92D for D-Star (middle).
2 x Icom IC-H16T (right, modified commercials).
3 x Yaesu FT-7800 FM stations at home, summer cottage and car. 50/40 W.

Icom IC-22A VHF
transceiver, XTAL
controlled, QRV!
Old school.

CW key collection:
I have been collecting Morse keys during the recent years. Mostly I have bought them, but also received som as gifts from fellow HAMs.

Click here to see all keys!

Page updated: 14-Dec-2022